About Me

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This blog is about the love I feel for this planet. It's about my soul on canvas. It's about my ruthless life, in constant contact with the world. It's about the love that moves life. http://www.busanhaps.com/article/interview-italian-artist-karma-chodon


Workshop with ELC children
Having studied HANJI (traditional korean paper works) for the last months I wanted to show the kids how the field of art can be various, how we can get different inspirations from the different way of creativity. So in this case I brought my paintings and my Hanji works and tried to combine and see what came up. Children are immensely creative and I think this is a good source of development of different techniques of work with different applications . Starting from the traditional way ...............Let's see what is caming up! 


On the 24th of May 2011 Magdalena Kwiatkowsa and I decided to gave a workshop regarding the different use of watercolors in paintings. We decided this in order to give the chance to whoever was in the mood for art to paint, relax and enjoy. Magdalena studied for the three years she lived here in Busan traditional korean water color paintings, we both went togheter to Korean paiting class "Kim Hong -Do Tta-La-Ha-Gi" at Busan Museum of Modern Art so we wanted to talk of the different use of the shadow and the color in the two different traditions.
It was a small and nice workshop, people came and really had fun painting, there were professional artists as well as persons who never spent much time on it. However the result was good. All of them came up with a painting done before the end of the two hours. Some came up with even two or three painitngs done. The Goal was to inspire people..........
 This was our presentation
We decided to take as example a simple combination of fruits, Magdalena then painted it in the Korean way and I in the western way. In this way we gave an idea of the different use of the colours and shadows.
We brought all what was necessary for the participants to paint on that day . Once we both explained the two differnt ways, we all started to paint.........

...and the result after two hours was.......